Internet of Things

Air-Stream’s metro-wide network infrastructure offers the perfect platform for experimentation with ‘Internet of Things’ (IOT) technologies. Recent developments in this space have seen a huge increase in the availability of sensor equipment and the adoption of IOT in all industries.

We are trialing the integration of some LoRa gateways within the network.

LoRa is a long-range RF technology that allows devices to communicate with each other over long distances without needing a lot of power. It’s often used in situations where devices need to send small amounts of data, like sensors in a city monitoring air quality or soil moisture in agriculture.

LoRa Gateways

Through some joint initiatives with The Growing Data Foundation and The City of Port Adelaide Enfield we have been generously provided with some LoRa gateway hardware, outlined below.

The WiFX LORIX One is a compact and ready-to-deploy device that can be easily mounted to an existing antenna mast and powered via PoE.

This device offers 8 communication channels and runs an embedded Linux operating system.

The Multitech MultiConnect Conduit is a versatile Linux-based platform that can be used for a variety of solutions with an expansion port.

These are provisioned with the MTAC-LORA expansion card, appropriate antenna and software to create a functional LoRaWAN gateway.

The Things Network

Data from our LoRa gateways is made available to end-users via The Things Network.

The Things Network (TTN) is a global, decentralized network designed for IoT devices. It operates on an open-source, community-driven model, utilizing LoRaWAN technology to connect sensors and devices to the internet, allowing for efficient and cost-effective deployment of IoT solutions across various industries such as smart cities, agriculture, and industrial automation.

TTN Mapper provides a global database of LoRa gateways and their coverage.


There are four gateway locations currently deployed.

  • Angle Park
  • Cement Hill
  • Greenacres
  • Seaton

Learn More

If you have an interest in LoRa technology and would like to get involved please let us know.

IoT Experimenters Group

The City of PAE Libraries hosts IoT Experimenters events each month at the Parks Library which explore IOT and related technologies and host workshops for members of the community to participate hands-on with various projects.