Sponsorship Information

Air-Stream provides many avenues to promote your business, as we are always looking for sponsors of wireless LAN equipment and related products for new installations, competitions and demonstrations at up-coming events.

The Air-Stream Committee, while still promoting Air-Stream Wireless, is also seeking to engage greater community participation in the projects of the organisation.

Consequently, we have organised a number of events through out the year that we believe would also be a great opportunity for businesses to sell wireless products to a very well defined market demographic.

These events include:

  • Software Freedom Day – Adelaide’s largest FOSS event
  • Various presentations at Open Source, Radio Amateur and other related community group events
  • ASLAN events held throughout the year
  • Our Annual General Meetings
  • State and National Conferences – On Community Wireless
  • and our regular monthly meetings every month except December.

All events are generally open to anyone and are always well attended by not only members but many interested people from all walks of life.


Unlike many other wireless groups around Australia Air-Stream Wireless has continued to grow in numbers, coverage and is well known across South Australia. This has been a result of actively involving other groups such as smaller wireless communities, amateur radio clubs, universities, FOSS groups and other community organisations. Through these measures, and dedication of our volunteer members, we now boast the largest non-profit community wireless network in Australia.

Our website also boasts several hundred registered users and is visited by people from all over Australia and the world. With over thousand hits per day we believe we are the most popular website in Australia for people interested in community wireless networks and the technology used. The majority of attendees at our events are predominantly computer, software, electronics or radio professionals, enthusiasts or students who all are regular consumers of related products. Therefore these events are ideal for demonstrating and promoting new products and services.

Business offering donations will be recognised at each event; your brochures or fliers will be distributed and clearly displayed on our website and any other promotional material we place in public.

Please contact the committee for more information.